Database Help
The Rootz Database is based on Google Maps and shows all the footpaths in Newick Parish, plus several in adjoining parishes. It also contains information about the ownership of land adjacent to a footpath or over which a footpath passes. This enables us to make contact with landowners when necessary.
The database will also allow us to maintain a list of footpath "assets", such as fingerposts, stiles, gates, bridges and waymarks. Some of these are official County Council assets, but others are unofficial additions installed by Rootz or landowners. It is also possible to add general "points of interest" (POIs), where appropriate.
Logging In
It is necessary to log into the database to get full access to the information in it. Authorised users will be given a user ID (typically their email address) and a password. However, it is also possible to log in as a "guest" and get limited access to the database information.
Control Panel
After you have logged in, you can use the Control Panel at the top-right of the screen to change the information that is displayed. You can click on the various check-boxes to see footpaths, land parcels, POIs and/or boundaries (Parish or District).
Note: Guests cannot see land ownership information
You can also click to see the Ordnance Survey National Grid as a series of 1 km squares or you can overlay a map (either the Ordnance Survey 1:25000 Pathfinder map or the official East Sussex County Council map of footpaths in Newick).
As you move your mouse around the map, the Control Panel displays the current position, as Latitude and Longitude and also the Ordnance Survey grid reference.
Note: Newick is close to the Greenwich Meridian, so remember that for longitudes, east is positive and west is negative
Items on the Map
If your mouse moves over an item of interest, it is highlighted. You can then click on it to see further information. This may also include a picture, which can be clicked again to display a larger version of it in a new tab.
Editing Items
To edit an item, you right-click it. This will pop-up an information box that allows you to edit the details.
Note: Right-click will only work if you are allowed to edit information. Also, depending on your level of access, you may not be allowed to edit some items.
You can add or change the picture associated with the item. To do this, you click the current picture (if there is one) or the "Browse..." button. You can then select an image file to upload from your computer. Sometimes the picture is not orientated correctly, so after uploading you can if necessary click the button to the right of the picture to rotate it to the correct orientation.
Note: To save space, the picture may be reduced in size before storing it in the database
After editing the details and/or uploading a picture, you can click the Update button to save it.
Editing a Route
In the case of a footpath, land parcel or boundary, you can (if authorised) edit its "route" across the map. Click the Edit Route or Edit Boundary button and the item will be highlighted. The route is represented as a series of "nodes", each of which is displayed as a small white circle with a black border. You can use the mouse to click on any of these and drag it to a new position. You can also right-click on a node to duplicate it and then move the new node to a new position.
When you are satisfied with the changes you have made to the route, right-click anywhere on the path or within a parcel (other than on a node), and you will be asked whether you want to save the new route.
Editing a Point of Interest
A POI is a single point rather than a set of nodes. To move it, you simply click on it and drag it to a new position.
Note: If you do not have permission to move a POI, you will move the whole map rather than the individual POI.
You can also change the type of POI (e.g. stile, gate, etc.). This will change the icon that is displayed.
Deleting an Item
To delete an item entirely, if permitted you can right-click it and click the Delete button in the pop-up. This will ask you to confirm whether you really want to delete it.
Levels of Access
Rootz members and other users of the database are granted different levels of access, which control the information that each person may see or change.
User Status
There are five levels of access, as follows
- Guest. A guest may only see information in the database and not change it. Also, guests cannot see potentially confidential information, such as details of land owners or other members.
- Reviewer. A reviewer may see, but not change, information in the database. However, reviewers can see land ownership and other members' details.
- Contributor. A contributor can see all the information in the database and may also add new items or change existing items. However, a contributor may not change information associated items that have been locked (see below).
- Supervisor. A supervisor may do everything that a contributor can, but may also lock and unlock items to protect them from being changed.
- Administrator. An administrator may do everything that a contributor can, and may also add and delete database users, and change the status of users.
Locking Items
Items may be locked, to prevent them from being inadvertently changed. There are three levels of locking, as follows:
- Unlocked. Anyone who is a contributor or above can change the item.
- Position locked. The position of a POI or route of a path cannot be moved or deleted, but other details can be changed.
- Fully locked. The position and all other details of the item cannot be changed or deleted.
Only supervisors or administrators may change the lock status of an item.
User Maintenance and Passwords
Users (other than guests) can click the Members link on the Control Panel to see a list of members. You can then click any individual member to see their details. You can also change any of your own personal details and/or your password. To change your password, you will need to enter your old password and then enter and confirm your new password.
Administrators may also change the details and/or password of other members.